
Commitment to Sustainability and Ethical Business Practices

At LAN IT 24 GmbH, we are dedicated to conducting our business responsibly and sustainably. We are committed to implementing measures aligned with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Our actions are also geared towards supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Aligning with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

  • Human Rights: We are committed to ensuring that our business operations and strategies respect and uphold human rights.Labor Standards: We support and respect the protection of international 
  • Labor Standards: and ensure our workplace practices align with these principles.
  • Environment: Environmental responsibility is at the forefront of our operations. We are committed to adopting sustainable practices and reducing our environmental impact.
  • Anti-Corruption: Integrity and transparency guide our business practices. We are dedicated to combating corruption in all its forms.

In addition to aligning our operations with these principles, we are dedicated to taking proactive steps in support of the Sustainable Development Goals. These goals guide our approach to making a positive impact on society while conducting our business.

Published by the Managing Director and Board of LAN IT 24 GmbH